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Tax break

Published April 30. 2015 05:19AM

Imagine what would happen if our volunteer firefighters decided to stop doing their work.

Our lives and property would be in immediate danger.

And Pennsylvania's state budget would fall short by several billion dollars.

That's how much it'd cost if Pennsylvania had to hire and train firefighters, and pay for their services.

"If every local government in Pennsylvania had to convert to a paid firefighting force, it would cost an estimated $6 billion," says Sen. Lisa Baker, R-20.

Baker and Sen. Sean Wiley, D-49, are co-sponsoring a public safety initiative aimed at helping municipalities recruit, retain and reward volunteer firefighters and emergency medical service technicians.

The bill would grant municipalities an option to waive the earned income tax for those who protect the public.

"Giving firefighters a small break on their local taxes is a simple benefit that will compensate them in some small measure for their priceless life-saving work," says Baker.

Hopefully, fire police also would be included in the deal.

The legislation was prompted by numerous studies and a 2013 joint hearing on firefighter and EMT retention and recruitment by the Senate Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee and the Majority Policy Committee.

Under the legislation, which amends Title 35 (Health and Safety), municipalities would have the power to set the amount of the tax credit, delineate the guidelines of the program, and specify the number of calls to which a volunteer first responder must take part in to be eligible.

The program would be voluntary for municipalities. They wouldn't be forced to implement it.

But it's hard to conceive of any municipality declining to participate in a long-overdue program to give emergency responders the credit they deserve.

Volunteer firefighters devote long hours to training, fundraising and service to protect lives and property.

It's time for municipalities to recognize the value of their sacrifice.

Giving firefighters a tax credit is the least we can do.

Emergency responders are an essential foundation to the quality of life in our region.

It's time they get a break.


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