What's going on?
Dear editor,
What's going on in Iraq?
We get rid of a dictator for them and they screw up.
When will they stop fighting among themselves and become one nation?
We train them and have guys in their uniforms kill Americans.
We give them the means to defend themselves. They outnumber the enemy. They run away, leaving the equipment and weapons for the enemy.
What do we do? We give them more and we just talk about what should be done.
How stupid is this? Sooner or later we're going to have to fight. Let's hope it's over there, not here.
Plus we stop teaching pride in country and flag, and our kids are getting brainwashed and fighting for them against us.
Bomb threats in Washington.
Bomb threats on planes.
Killing cops and military.
Wake up!
I Remain,
Robert (Ski) Siesputowski
Summit Hill