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The truth about Lansford

Published May 30. 2015 09:00AM

Dear Editor,

I would like to briefly reply to a recent letter called "Lansford," which appeared in the May 16 Times News. The letter had some valid points as well as some very erroneous statements.

First, the lifeguard salaries over the years was on a graduated scale based on the years of employment. However, as of the past two years, the Parks and Recreation Board no longer handles any aspects of salaries.

This and all finances for parks and pool are under the control of the borough council. Their action to increase the hourly rate was due to the inability to secure enough lifeguards to staff the pool. The pool cannot operate without lifeguards!

The board was very thankful for the council's action. Lifeguards must spend hundreds of dollars to be certified, so we do not believe the increase was out of line. And, yes there were funds in the budget to handle this increase.

Secondly, our pool has definitely reached the age where more and more repairs are going to be necessary.

It has been approximately 30 or more years since this pool was completed, replacing the original pool which had lasted 30 or more years as well.

No one knows this better than the maintenance and pool managers. Research has begun to find funds to meet these projects.

As we stated, the "Friends of the Pool" not only are a very dedicated group with volunteering for cleanup days, but also have been instrumental in raising money with various fundraisers.

However, as of two years ago, all of the fundraiser money was incorporated into the borough's general fund; not into the park and recreation account. The park and recreation board functions with the money generated with the tax millage and the yearly pool tag sales.

No money for the parks or pool has ever come from the sewer transmission account. Once again, this year, the volunteers will be holding the yearly fundraiser, the chicken dinner.

The borough parks are a valuable asset for the youths of the town. However, there are those who abuse the equipment, which will necessitate purchasing security cameras for the areas. There is a former member of the board who still takes it upon himself to monitor and do repairs to a park located near his home, as well as doing repairs to an east end basketball court. His efforts are very much appreciated.

Third, the Parks and Recreation Committee is an entity of Lansford council, and its members are appointed by a vote of council after advertising for the positions. There are usually few if any responses to the ad. These are unpaid, volunteer positions. The board does not just hold meetings but actively participates in various recreation activities.

Lastly, Marie Ondrus, the writer of the letter to which I am referring, was at one time a member of the Parks and Recreation Board. She was an asset to the group and they, as well as I, are at a loss as to her need to constantly enjoy maligning those who are still working hard, with limited funds, to keep the park areas in good repair and the pool open for the residents of the area.

I don't feel the need, at this time, to address some of her other misleading and untrue statements.

Thank you for the opportunity to reply.


Rose Mary Cannon


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