Coaldale High School
1923 Coaldale High School opens, the first school in town to offer a four-year program.
Fall 1964 CHS joins the Panther Valley Jointure. The former high school building is used for junior high school and elementary grades.
June 1973 With the opening of the new Panther Valley High School building, CHS is closed.
June 1974 CHS is deeded to the Borough of Coaldale.
June 1975 A group of Coaldale residents headed by Mayor Ronald P. Plocinik appeals to all graduates to galvanize efforts to "Save the Tiger!" and turn the former school into a community center.
The group organizes under the name Coaldale High School Complex.
1996 The property is valued at $369,270 during Schuylkill County's reassessment initiative.
October 2010 With at least $590,000 in repair work needed, the building is put up for sale by Coaldale borough council, along with the playground and of the land. Council also requests a full financial disclosure for the previous three years from the Coaldale Complex Committee, which operates the building for the borough.