Panther Valley news
Meed's free children's Lunch for the week of July 21 at Meed's Methodist Church, 126 W. Catawissa St., is as follows:
Monday: Pancakes and waffles, sausage, fruit
Tuesday: Fish sticks, tater tots, carrots, applesauce
Wednesday: Hot dogs, baked beans, Jell-O
Thursday: Taco salad with assorted toppings, pudding
Friday: grilled cheese, raw veggies, applesauce
There is a drink choice everyday of milk, water or apple juice and freeze pops for dessert
Menu is subject to change
The program is open to all children.
Summit Hill
Flag program
The Summit Hill Lions Club is continuing its American flag program in memory and honor of veterans from Summit Hill.
Throughout the good weather months, the flag will fly in Ludlow Park in memory or honor of the veterans.
Family members of veterans, or veterans themselves, can request to be scheduled by contacting Joseph O'Gurek at 570-645-5171.
During the week of July 21, the flag will be flown in memory of William H. Jones, who was a prisoner of war and Purple Heart Medal recipient while serving as a corporal in the Army during World War II; in memory of Staff Sgt. William Morana, who served with the Army's 82nd Airborne from 1942-45 during World War II; in honor of Seaman Richard Jones Sr., who attained the rank of E-3 while serving in the Navy from 1965-68; in honor of Army Major Robert F. Jones Jr., who retired in 2003 after serving 20 years; in honor of Richard Jones Jr., who attained the rank of petty officer second class with the Navy while serving from 1985-92; and in honor of Master Sgt. Bradley Jones, who is currently serving his 19th year of active duty with the Air Force, having attained the rank of E-7.
William H. Jones is the uncle to William Morana and Richard Jones Sr. and a great-uncle to Robert, Richard and Bradley Jones.
Food pantry
Food distribution dates for the Summit Hill Food Pantry are as follows:
Tuesdays, July 22, Aug. 26, Sept. 23 and Oct. 28, and Mondays, Nov. 24 and Dec. 22.
The food pantry is located in the Summit Hill Heritage Center on Hazard and Chestnut streets.
Distribution will take place between 10-11:30 a.m.
There is to be no parking in the alley before 9:45 a.m. and absolutely no parking in the vacant lot.
Recipients are reminded to bring along extra strong shopping/tote bags.