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Slatington is in disgraceful shape

Published July 19. 2014 09:00AM

Dear Editor,

I keep reading in the newspapers about the Slatington 150th Birthday Celebration.

Well, Jon Rinker wants to screen floats, bands and participants in the parade. Yet, the borough council, Rinker included, does nothing to clean up the town. The town looks like a war zone!

Empty buildings, dilapidated porches on Main Street. The borough hangs banners in Slatington that read, "Historical District." The banners should read "Hysterical District," as I laugh every time I walk on Main Street.

Another example of borough council not caring! I sure hope 667 Main St. will be repaired for the parade. This building belongs to a critical borough council member. This porch would make a terrific (deformed) judges stand for the parade.

The council also refuses to do anything about the weeds and grass situation. Look at North Walnut Street, which has both junk and caved-in buildings, structures and overgrown weeds.

The borough owns the land where the unfinished community center stands. Nothing gets cited? Yet borough employees walk and chalk tires on the so-called business district.

Welcome to the "ninth" wonder of the world! The borough council has the "eighth" place wonder all locked up.

Ron Scheffler


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