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Chestnuthill news

Published July 23. 2014 04:00PM

Regional meeting

The Chestnuthill-Jackson-Eldred-Ross-Polk Regional Planning Group meeting will take place at 7 p.m. tomorrow at the Chestnuthill Township Municipal Building in Brodheadsville.

New officers

West End Rotary recently installed its 2014-2015 officers. The new leadership includes: Kevin Noll, president; Debby York, president-elect; Debbie Borger, past president; Ed Gallagher, vice president; Jim Manello, service projects; Zena Keller, publicity, and Jeff Widmer, co-chair; Joey Krawitz, administration; Karin Breitlauch, membership; Frank Mullane, treasurer; Diana Cardwell, secretary;Elaine Ackoryd-Kelly, co-chair Joanie Loveless; Honi Gruenberg, Rotary Foundation.

The club will next meet at 7:30 a.m. Thursday, at the Western Pocono Community Library.

The speaker will be Lindsay Shay, with the topic being RYLA.

Ecumenical group born

A group of churches in the community have joined together to make up the Keeping Sunday Holy Team.

The group's intent is to create an awareness that Sundays are days for persons to reconnect with families after a busy week in school and work and to be nourished spiritually. It will have a tent at the West End Fair Tuesday and Thursday, Aug. 26 and 28.

For more information one can contact Father Mike at 610-681-6137 or Nancy at 610-681-4777.

The Keeping Sunday Holy Team will meet at 6:30 p.m. next Tuesday at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, office side entry.

Growing enrollment

Jim Ecker, BCM International missionary for Monroe County, reports that the two weekly Released Time Bible classes held in the Pleasant Valley School District, grew to 34 enrollees. He is looking ahead to being at the West End Fair with the Gospel puppets from Aug. 24 through Aug. 30, and the annual Bible Club Adult Banquet being held at Camp Streamside on Oct. 23.

He can be reached at 1670 West Main St., Stroudsburg, PA 18360, by phone at 570-421-9968, or by email at

Vacation Bible School

Zion Lutheran Church, Brodheadsville will hold its Vacation Bible School beginning Sunday and running each evening through Aug. 1. VBS instruction hours are from 6 to 8 p.m. The theme is Workshop of Wonders, Imagine & Build with God.

It will include Bible stories, crafts, games, snacks and more.

To register a child, call 570-992-6988 or stop by the church office on Route 209.

Doors open

The Supplemental Food Resource Center at Effort United Methodist Church UMC will be open from 10 a.m. until noon Saturday. Proof of residency is required.

Safe Haven

Safe Haven Pet Rescue will hold an adoption day from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. Sunday at Tractor Supply in Brodheadsville.

There will be young dogs available for meeting and getting acquainted. Pre-adoption application with references and a home visit must take place before adoption.

Volunteers for various duties are being sought.

For more information, visit, contact the group at, or join Safe Haven PA on Facebook.

Effort UMC VBS

Vacation Bible School will be held at Effort United Methodist Church July 28 through Aug. 1.

For more information, call the church at 570-629-1890.

Blood drive

The American Red Cross will be at Our Lady Queen of Peace, Gilbert, from 1 to 6 p.m., next Wednesday, for a blood drive including double red cells and blood.

Special guest

The State Police Forensic Unit is slated to visit the Western Pocono Community Library for its 1 p.m. Summer Reading Program on July 30.

Library appearance

The Da Vinci Science Center of Allentown will be making a special appearance at the Western Pocono Community Library in Brodheadsville for its summer reading program at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, featuring space-related activities and a visit from MoonMan.

The Da Vinci Center is presenting the blockbuster exhibition Space: A Journey to Our Future this summer.

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