Penn Forest mismanagement at its best
Dear Editor,
I am writing this letter to inform the residents of Penn Forest Township that heads need to roll for this act of incompetence, from the chairman, right down the line. What were they thinking? Putting our lives in jeopardy isn't a laughing matter at all with our fire stations closed due to an oversight.
The workers' compensation insurance expired on May 17, just an oversight. I'm sure there were several notices about the pending due date. When I had my business, the state workers insurance fund (SWIF) would send out new bills and new rates at least 60 days before the due date. You know mismanagement of our township's ability to pay their bills timely can give our township a financial black eye for future grants and such.
Our township is also going through secretaries left and right lately. Pressure in the township office must be intense! And our township supervisors seem to be concerned with their own agendas. It's union busting going wild at its worst! You do not fire someone knowing what needs to be done just to union bust. The reason the township employees joined the union was to protect their jobs and give them peace of mind and better quality of life.
They (the township) need to hire back the secretaries who actually ran our township office properly with raises, a public apology and the resignations of the township supervisors who started this downward spiral.
I do not enjoy writing about this stuff, but the taxpayers in our township need to be aware of our supervisors' actions and realize the repercussions of their incompetence.
Thank you for your time, and I will keep watching and reporting when necessary.
William Miller
Bear View