They gave it their all
Dear Editor,
Firefighters from several companies, rescue personnel and medics gave it their all Wednesday afternoon Aug. 13 in a heroic effort to save the life of a toddler who was struck by a car along Mountain Road in Washington Township.
Volunteers in a rural setting have their backs against the wall as soon as the tones go off.
Most have to travel a distance just to reach the station, get the doors up and the equipment started.
Then the response to the scene, which can take painstaking minutes that seem like hours to both the first responders and the people at the scene.
Next comes the coordination of all the responding units to secure the scene, stabilize the vehicles and treat the victims.
Several units will be assigned the task of setting up a landing zone for any incoming medical transport helicopters. Fire police will be a vital asset to local and state police by maintaining traffic control at the scene.
Wednesday afternoon all of the first responders at the Washington Township site were truly professionals in every manner and performed their tasks with perfection in their effort to save the life of the young child. Our volunteers are truly American heroes.
Larry Neff