Show leadership through actions
Dear Editor,
I can remember the days when roads were paved, bridges were beautiful, salaries were high and a whole family received medical insurance by the main breadwinner, and there were no deductibles. I remember when moms could stay home with their children and kids didn't have to pay to participate in sports.
I remember when Catholic School education was free if you were a member of their church. I remember when everyone who worked received a pension. I remember when you didn't have to spend $100 on school supplies at the beginning of each year.
Now we have lower salaries, pay more taxes, and roads and bridges are in horrible shape. Medical insurance deductibles leave families not seeking medical attention. Catholic education is beyond the reach of most families. There are no pensions, seniors are deciding whether to eat or buy prescriptions, military members do not receive the services they require when they return home, and the list goes on.
Has all the nepotism, corruption, fraud, etc. caught up with us or do we not possess or seek the knowledge to make such important decisions affecting so many?
Or do we not care about fraud and deceit and let elected officials get away with unethical actions?
What example does this teach our children when we know corruption is among us and do nothing about it? Why do we punish those who bring corruption to light? Don't we want a better world for everyone? And those who have fought so hard for us, why do we not fight hard to keep the freedoms they gave us?
Leadership is in your actions, not your position.
Cindy Henning
Jim Thorpe