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It is time to be vigilant

Published September 06. 2014 09:00AM

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Irish statesman Edmund Burke is attributed to this quotation most likely due to the statement made in his writing "Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents" in 1770. His actual writing that could be considered the basis for that apocryphal quotation is the following: "… when bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."

Never before in my lifetime has this country ever been in such a precarious position. The rule of law which is supposed to be sacrosanct or beyond interference has been dragged into the corruptible human nature of political expediency.

The Constitution to many in this country is an outdated, worn document and not a living creed. This type of leadership does not make me stop to wonder why optimism in this country is at an all-time low, while concern continues to grow by leaps and bounds in all areas of society.

Look at our priorities. Two innocent journalists captured in the Middle East and held just because they are Americans have been beheaded, and our president's response in between rounds of golf is that he has no strategy for dealing with ISIS.

ISIS is the most brutal and fearsome terrorist organization since Nazi Germany, and they do not mince words. Their leader has been quoted that they will "see us in New York" and "we will raise our flag over your White House." And what is our nation's response to this? Crickets.

These are not people with whom we should trifle. They claim with joy the destruction of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. They have murdered and beheaded women and children, persecuting Christians, non-Muslims, Jews and Muslims that do not share their radical beliefs. They are infiltrating our allies and us. Just in the past week their flag has been shown at major Israeli landmarks.

If you are not concerned yet, you should be. Our borders have been sitting open for years. Critics will say I'm an alarmist, but it was just revealed in the past few days that attack by ISIS on our southern border is imminent, according to our intelligence. If they are operating militant camps throughout our country, then the border is the least of our problems. We can thank our self-centered political leaders for this, and if something happens to the America we all know and love, just remember it is the members of the United States Congress and the president who will have our blood on their hands.

It is time to be concerned and vigilant. As I wrote years ago, they are no longer waiting for us to come after them. They make no bones about it. They are coming for us. If you see something suspicious, tell someone. Now is the time for caution and observation. Apathy is no longer a luxury we can afford. The threat is growing and our leaders seem impotent to do anything about it.

These are the facts. These are not my opinion nor are they paranoid speculation. We need to pressure our leaders to stop fighting among themselves and start safeguarding our future. The sleeping giant needs to awaken once more before it is beheaded by an enemy within. This is about our country's future, our children and grandchildren's future. We may not get a second chance.

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