Let kids earn their candy
Fall is one of my favorite times of year.
I love the colors of the trees as their leaves change to brilliant reds, oranges and yellows.
I love the smells that float through the air. I can't describe them though, but there is just something about it that screams fall.
And I love the pumpkins, cornstalks, hay bales and mums that adorn many people's homes over the next two months.
Something about this time of year just makes me happy.
Don't get me wrong. I love spring and summer, too; and I dread that awful season that comes after the leaves have fallen and the air turns frigidly cold. But for now, I am enjoying what fall in the Northeast brings with it, including Halloween and Thanksgiving.
I love both of those holidays.
The excitement of seeing children dress in costumes and go trick or treating makes me relive my childhood; and the warmth of family around the table sharing a Thanksgiving meal is what this time of year is all about.
But it's also about something else for me songs.
Growing up, we had a number of Halloween songs and poems that we recited when trick-or-treating.
We couldn't go into a house and receive candy unless we did a song and dance first. But unfortunately, that's not the case anymore, and children seem to just stand there looking at you with their bags open, expecting their treat without sharing a fun moment first. You might get a "Happy Halloween" and "thank you" out of them before they scurry off to the next house, but nothing like two decades ago, when I was trick-or-treating.
So I thought, since Halloween is just around the corner, here are a few songs and poems I found online or remembered from my childhood days that your kids may like to share with people this season.
"Three Little Witches"
One little, two little, three little witches.
Fly over haystacks, fly over ditches.
Slide down moonbeams without any hitches.
Heigh-ho, Halloween's here.
Pumpkin pumpkin big and round,
I'm glad you grow upon the ground.
I'm glad you don't grow in a tree
Because you might fall down on me.
"Flutter, Flutter Little Bat"
Flutter, flutter little bat,
How I wonder where you're at.
Swooping through the darkest night,
You find your way without a light.
Flutter, flutter little bat,
How I wonder where you're at.
I'm a little Jack-o'-lantern,
Fat and fine,
They picked me off a pumpkin vine,
Halloween is coming don't you know,
just light my candle and watch me glow.
"Pumpkin, Pumpkin"
Pumpkin, Pumpkin sitting on a wall,
Pumpkin, Pumpkin tip and fall,
Pumpkin, Pumpkin rolling down the street,
Pumpkin, Pumpkin trick or treat.