Panther Valley news
Summit Hill
Fall tree plantings
The Summit Hill Shade Tree Commission will be conducting its fall tree plantings on Oct. 25 and 26.
Anyone interested in sponsoring a tree to be planted along the streets or in memory or in honor of someone may call John Kupec at 645-9644 or Lou Vermillion at 645-9772 for information.
Trees will be ordered in mid October.
Volunteers to help plant, water and clean up are welcome as well as any contributions to the Shade Tree Commission's efforts.
Medicare enrollment assistance for seniors
The Panther Valley Public Library, 117 E. Bertsch St., Lansford, will be assisting seniors during open enrollment for Medicare part C & D every Wednesday, Oct. 15 through Dec. 7 during regular library hours.
Counselors will assist consumers in finding a drug plan or a Medicare Part C plan.
This service is available by appointment.
Call the library to set up an appointment date and time at 570-645-3780.
Preschool story hour
The Panther Valley Public Library offers a free, preschool story hour from 9:30-10:30 a.m. every Tuesday.
Stories, snacks and activities are provided for the children.
Al-Anon will meet at 7:15 p.m. Monday at St. Katherine Drexel Church Hall, 120 E. Abbott St., Lansford.
Al-Anon is a nonprofit world wide support organization helping families and friends of loved ones suffering from addiction.