Supporting Zendo
In the Dec. 10 issue of the Times News about Blue Mountain Zendo, some neighbors stated that it had nothing to do with religion.
Let's go back to the statement to the West Penn zoning officer dated July 31 that "Blue Mountain Zendo, 44 Deere Lane cannot put a business, place of worship on a deeded private lane. A Buddhist temple is not allowed here. They have members that with constant traffic are hurting our drive."
I have researched my deed and a family members' deed dated July 1, 1971. Nothing in the deeds support that statement.
If it's not about religion, a letter dated Sept. 6 from Lehigh Engineering to the owner of 44 Deere Lane states, "activities related to a place of worship need to be discontinued until special exception approval has been obtained."
At what point does the seemingly perpetual complaints by these neighbors not become harassment?
As for my wife and I, we have no problem with the Zendo group. It is what it is. I wish others would be more understanding.
Dale Keifer
Deere Lane, Andreas