Beware of the angels
In case you missed it, the 2014 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show aired Tuesday causing heavy breathing and heart palpitations for men across America, while causing depression and shattered self-esteem of young girls and women at the same time.
Victoria's Secret sells clothing and fragrance but is most known for its provocative lingerie and ultra-beautiful, ultrasexy and ultra-skinny models, called Angels.
Until that night, I never even knew there was a televised fashion show consisting of supermodels in their underwear and kind of wondered why there even would be.
I mean in a typical fashion show, designers parade their models on the cat walk in order to help sell the latest designs in their clothing line.
Makes sense right?
But 10 seconds into watching the VS fashion show, it became very evident that lingerie was the last thing they were selling.
Look, women need undergarments and most of us like them to be pretty and lacy.
We don't need a fashion show to convince us to buy them. We go into the store, check out what's on the display racks, make our selection and we're done.
If you want to market to us (which you would think VS would) offer some coupons with deep discounts and we're sold!
No, the VS fashion show was not targeting the wallets of women across the country; heck, it wasn't even targeting the wallets of men because, let's face it, most men do not shop for undergarments for their women.
Plain and simple, it was a chance for the guys to feast their eyes on something they will never have and a chance for young girls and women to feel horrible about themselves over an "ideal" or "perfect" body image they will never attain.
I didn't really think much about the effect something like this may have on young girls and women until my daughter thought out loud and said, "Wow, now I feel really bad about myself."
It really ticked me off.
I told her she was beautiful, because she is.
I then wondered how many other young girls and women felt this way regarding the show and immediately took to the Internet to find out.
It took only moments to answer my question and results were heartbreaking.
In a blog written by a young woman named Emily Wilson, statements on Twitter made before the airing of the show revealed the following:
"Nothing can make me feel so inferior as a woman than looking at pictures of VS Angels."
"Like I don't even feel upset that I don't look like a VS Model, I feel suicidal."
"RIP self esteem."
I then hit up Twitter myself and found the following:
"and after witnessing that, not a drain of self esteem is left in me."
"Self confidence dipped to about -17."
"Watching Victoria's Secret fashion show makes me sooo insecure."
"Currently watching the Victoria's Secret fashion show and hating myself."
Another young woman posted a photo of a bottle of spring water and some celery sticks and stated, "This will be my dinner for the next 10 years after watching that."
How very sad.
If we ever expect to change the way these young girls and women view themselves, we have to change our mindset as to what we deem to be truly beautiful and instill that truth in these girls.
We need to stress that being happy and healthy is beautiful.
We need to let them know that a compassionate heart and a smiling face is beautiful.
We need to teach them that loving others, as well as themselves, is beautiful.
Fathers and grandfathers, you need to tell your daughters and granddaughters that they are beautiful so that they don't feel the need to seek such affirmation from other boys and men.
And parents, perhaps next year, instead of letting them watch a TV program that tears them down, throw on some old home movies so that they can see themselves the same way you did when you viewed them through the lens of the camera simply, beautiful.
And for all of you husbands and boyfriends out there: if you want to score really huge points with the ladies in your life, when the VS Fashion Show comes on next year, turn the television off, look into her eyes and tell her that she is the only angel you are interested in.