Homeless man at canal isn't hurting anyone
Dear Editor,
I think it's a real shame for the homeless man at the canal.
People are so inconsiderate and rude. To say he urinates in front of people, really? I seriously doubt it.
I bet they never ever took the time to talk to him, and if they did they would find he is a very nice, caring man who wouldn't hurt anyone. I think they are just jealous because their daughter was chased.
Maybe she was chased for her protection. I'm sure there are people going through the canal who would take advantage of a woman, and they were looking out for her safety. If they were so concerned, why wouldn't they have taken her in themselves?
But instead they take it out on a man who is not harming anyone. Did they ever think with him being there it would discourage drug deals from taking place there? Or any other crimes?
I think there are more serious things going on that need attention rather than a homeless man who harms no one. I know a lot of people who look forward to going there and talking with him. They see him picking up garbage left behind by others, and he smiles all the time.
So what if he keeps some things in the shed? I'm sure he had permission and he is not destroying anything, so why does it bother them? They need to get a life or help him instead of condemning him.
I hope the mouths of two heartless people don't chase him away from the only place he can call home!
Marilyn Flexer