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Thanksgiving: Round 2

Published November 29. 2014 09:00AM


As you read this I'm probably still cleaning up from Thursday's Turkey Extravaganza.

Although my fridge is packed with leftover stuffing, glazed Brussels sprouts, candied yams, mashed potatoes and gravy, I'm already looking forward to our next Thanksgiving ... in February.

That's right. Each year we're fortunate enough to enjoy two Thanksgivings: One in November with family, complete with all the cooking, cleaning and exhaustion that goes with it; and one in February with friends, that is just as fun and festive, but without all the hassle.

The tradition started more than a dozen years ago when two of my very dear friends, Mary G. and Mary R., worked part-time as waitresses while raising their families. After being on their feet and waiting on others all day, the thought of preparing and serving a big feast at home wasn't too appealing, but neither wanted to miss out on the holiday either, so they just decided to move it.

It was a brilliant idea. Not only did their families benefit, so did their friends like me.

Mary G. hosts each year. They both make a turkey, gravy and some of their Thanksgiving family standards, such as an amazing sweet potato dish with crushed pecans.

Everyone else brings an appetizer, side dish or dessert. With approximately 30 people, give or take, the sampling of food is as varied and delightful as the array of guests, some of whom fly in from across the country just to be there, while others, who started coming as children, now come with children of their own.

We had moved away from New Jersey when this new holiday tradition began, and we didn't start attending until a few years ago. At first I was surprised at how many people I didn't know, but now, each year it's like catching up with beloved, distant relatives.

After a buffet dinner, when everyone is stuffed like the proverbial bird, the games begin; bingo to be exact. Everyone, including the little ones, gets a bingo card and a handful of red discs, or we use coins if we must. The game goes on until every guest is a winner and everyone gets a prize. Mary G. shops all year long, and each gift is selected with the recipient in mind.

One year I won a pair of Eagles earmuffs. Since I was back in Giants territory, I received a loud round of good-natured boos as I modeled my prize. No matter; I explained that I couldn't hear them with the nice, snug fit of my lovely new earmuffs.

This year Thanksgiving returns on Feb. 14, and since it comes first in the new year, it really is the "first" Thanksgiving, at least for us.

So for everyone who had to work on Thursday, and who didn't really get a chance to enjoy the holiday like you wish you could, you may want to consider having another Thanksgiving.

Not too much happens in January, February or March, so why not? It's the perfect time to give a little thanks.

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