Eliminate property tax in Pennsylvania
Dear Editor,
Regarding the recent front page headline of the appeal potentially costing school districts $600,000, this is exactly why bill 76 in both the Pennsylvania House and Senate, the Property Tax Independence Act, should be passed!
School districts should wake up and abandon the archaic property tax system of raising revenue, which wrongfully evicts people from their homes and is forever subject to these appeals by overburdened, overtaxed citizens.
Obtaining their revenue from different sources, (minor increases to the state income tax and sales taxes, and gaming revenues), the districts would not be faced with these situations.
Time is past due for property tax elimination. bill 76 is a benefit to everyone.
Taxpayers will have more to reinvest in our economy, while school districts will retain their income resources. It's a win-win deal for all!
Allen Albertson
Jim Thorpe