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Side effects

Published January 18. 2014 09:00AM


The words usually associated with medicines: May cause headache, fatigue, nausea and/or death.

There can be side effects in life in general too. Unfortunately, the minimum wage is not a living wage like years ago. I'm not being pessimistic here, but facts don't lie.

The city of Detroit is one example. With massive layoffs and the mismanagement of money and grants that did not account for where the money went resulted in the investigation and arrest of political leaders who were making six digit incomes. The city went bankrupt. Foreclosures were up, illegal gang activity and rampant crime increased.

In Washington the government failed to compromise on extending the Federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation benefits by 12/28/13 which resulted in thousands and veterans to have zero income in zero degree weather. Many want to work but it's just not easy with so many people looking for work, and this can have some serious side effects on health, such as depression. Maybe EUC benefits will be extended.

Heating systems should be checked and chimneys cleaned at least once a year. The side effects from carbon monoxide can be deadly and for pets too.

Gambling can generate revenue for discounts on prescriptions, but they can be addictive and can result in one to commit a crime to support the habit.

The state of Oregon recently passed a law that if you smoke in your vehicle with children present you will be fined. Second hand smoke can have serious side effects down the line on one's health.

In Colorado, marijuana was just legalized. You can smoke it only in your residence or at a friend's and in your vehicle. How about the second hand smoke if children are in the vehicle?

There are laws regulating its use. We have DUI checks where the amount of alcohol can be measured by a breath or a blood test. The legal amount pot would be measured by the amount of milligrams of THC in the blood. You will pay a high price to get high but there is no limit except for a high flying jet.

I think I'll go to high mass at church this week.

Larry Consoli

Summit Hill, PA 18250

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