Panther Valley news
Summit Hill
Shade Tree Commission
The Summit Hill Shade Tree Commission will be conducting its annual Arbor Day ceremony and tree plantings at 9 a.m. Saturday, April 26 in Ludlow Park at the gazebo.
This is the first of several events to take place in Ludlow Park this year to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the park.
Anyone interested in sponsoring a tree to be planted in memory or in honor of someone may call John Kupec at 570-645-9644 or Lou Vermillion at 645-9772 for information.
Trees will be ordered in mid April. Volunteers to help plant and clean up are always welcome as well as any contributions to the Shade Tree Commission's efforts.
Panther Valley
Library open house
The Panther Valley Public Library will host an open house from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Saturday. The open house will showcase the improvements made to the library over the past two years.
The library has been repainted with help from the board and community volunteers. New office equipment, computers and computer chairs have been added, and new shelving has been installed increasing floor space.
The library has books for all, as well as audio books and large print books, DVDs and educational programs.
Programming includes preschool story hour, adult education classes and a six-week summer reading program.
This project was financed by a grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development.
Community Lenten service
A community Lenten service will be held tonight at St. John the Evangelist Lutheran Church, 1 E. Abbott Street, Lansford. Feed the People will provide a meal starting at 5 p.m. Worship is at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome.