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Healthier employees mean healthier bottom line

Published April 28. 2014 08:48AM

Dear Editor,

Every business is looking for ways to better manage costs while increasing productivity. One aspect of managing costs and productivity that many employers may overlook, however, is their employees' health.

Why is employee health so important?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found that approximately 75 percent of employers' health care costs come from treating chronic, but preventable, conditions brought on by obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and lack of physical activity. According to a recent Gallup poll, unhealthy workers are costing U.S. employers approximately $153 billion annually.

The Wellness Council of America previously estimated that for every dollar spent on employee health initiatives, an organization can expect to see a return of $3 to $6 in reduced costs, improved productivity, reduced absenteeism and better medical insurance rates.

To help its customers achieve those returns, Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania offers customized wellness programs through the Blue Health Solutions program.

We've learned that a successful workplace wellness program can start with something as simple as providing healthier choices in the cafeteria or vending machines, offering quick and easy blood pressure checks, or encouraging employees to have routine physicals.

Now that spring is here, it's also easier to motivate employees to get up and move. As part of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, we'll be participating in this year's National Walk at Lunch Day on April 30, and we encourage all employers to join us. This annual observance was created several years ago by BCBSA to help individuals fit wellness into their daily routines.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that simply getting 30 minutes of moderate physical activity, such as a brisk walk, at least five times a week has significant health benefits, lowering the risk of developing or dying from cardiovascular disease, hypertension or type 2 diabetes, and improving the health of muscles, bones and joints.

Employers can start a walk at work program by providing designated times and places to walk. Outlining a walking course on your business property or along nearby streets can also help employees keep track of how much they walk.

Employees can be active in starting a walking routine, too.

Whether you are an employer or an employee, take the National Walk at Lunch Day challenge. Get up and move on April 30, and start down the path to better health.

A. Paul Holdren,senior vice presidentand chief sales andmarketing officer,Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania

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