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What is right and what is left?

Published May 31. 2014 09:00AM

Are you right; will you be left? Are you left; will you be right?

My thought is there are two definitions of the right and the left. One has to do with nationalism; that is, the presence of it or the lack of it. The far right would be nationalism to the point of aggression. The right would be the patriots who hold their principles in the Constitution as it is written. The left would be those who prescribe to the "one world" global philosophy.

My second thought is: The extreme right is dictatorship and extreme left is Communism. My quandary is, how does it happen that all far leftist become dictators? (Lenin, Stalin, Tito, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, Hitler, Mussolini to name some.) Some will say that Hitler and Mussolini were not far left, but far right from the start. I remind you that fascism is a term used first by Mussolini as the name for his party which had begun as the Italian Socialist party. The term fascist comes from the ancient Roman symbol of justice. Hitler's Nazi party was also a socialist movement (Nazi a shortened abbreviation from NSDAP meaning National Socialist German Workers Party [Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei]). So you see these philosophies are left to far left by one definition and far right by another. Which are we?

My feeling is our forefathers put us at the dead center with the writing of the Constitution of our republic. Is our government now taking too much from the people and the individual states? After all, the federal government was formed by the states for mutual protection and for coordination between the affairs of the individual states. The federal government owns approximately 50 percent of the land in the western states. There is no reason for the feds to own more land than required for the location of government buildings and military installations as well as the District of Columbia!

The feds have passed new law after new law instead of enforcing the simpler laws which are already supposedly in force.

What's next, comrades?

Walt Fagan

Jim Thorpe

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