Lehighton couple wed 70 years
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Creitz of Lehighton recently celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. They were married on April 1, 1944 by the Rev. George McKinley, rector of St. John's Episcopal Church in Palmerton. They were attended by Pauline Borger, sister of the bride and witnessed by the bride's mother, Susan Neff and the bridegroom's mother, Grace Creitz.
Mrs. Creitz is the former Dorothy Arlene Neff, daughter of the late George and Susan Neff. Her husband is the son of the late David and Grace Creitz.
Family and friends honored the couple at a 70th anniversary dinner celebration on March 15 at Mahoning Valley Ambulance Hall. Over 100 people attended the dinner, which was hosted by their only child, Joan Miller and her husband, Russell. Joining the celebration was their granddaughter, Sherry, and her husband, Michael Rose, and two great-grandchildren, Emily and Bennett Rose of Coplay.
The couple's daughter provided the toast to her parents and their great-grandchildren read an anniversary poem dedicated to the honorees.
State Rep. Doyle Heffley presented the Creitzes with a citation from the House of Representatives commemorating their 70th anniversary.
On March 30 the couple was honored by the Rev. Jane Bender, rector of All Saints Episcopal Church in Lehighton during the morning service.
Dorothy is a retired garment worker. Willard is retired from Bethlehem Steel.