A letter to our son: One year later
Dear Logan,
Today marks the one year anniversary that you came into this world; and it has been the most joyful, exhausting, scariest, funniest, fulfilling year of our lives.
We're so glad God handpicked you to come and bless us with your life. You are perfect in every way possible, and we are so thankful for this opportunity to call you our son.
We love you, our beautiful little blond-haired, blue-eyed boy, a perfect blend of our love.
We love your easygoing, silly personality; your giggle and toothy smile; the way you love Thomas the Tank Engine; and your little quirks that make you, you. We love how you offer us your snacks after you've already tasted them; and how you have to touch everything you see. We even love those early morning wake ups, hearing you giggle at your blankie as you play in your crib until we enter your room.
We love listening as you learn new sounds and recite your "ba's" and "ga's" over and over and "sing" as soon as you hear music.
We love the moments we share with you each and every day from the moment we wake up, to the time we say goodnight.
It is amazing watching you grow from the small newborn we brought home from the hospital, into this 1-year-old that is full of curiosity and happiness.
You have made life so fulfilling, more than we could ever imagine.
But that doesn't mean we haven't had our bumps along this journey. You didn't like to sleep for more than two hours at a time for the first nine months, but we learned to function on minimal rest.
And now you are our toddler.
You're already growing so fast, and we are so proud of who you are and can't wait to see who you become.
Our prayer for you, as you continue your journey through this life, is that you become a caring, independent, smart, gentle and strong man who is not afraid to be true to himself and his family.
We hope that you will know Jesus. That you will hear Him clearly when He speaks to you. Do not doubt Him because he will never lead you astray. We pray for your purpose, for your life story.
We know you're here for something big and important, and we thank God everyday for letting us be here to witness your life.
Happy first birthday, our precious, sweet little man.
Love now and always,
Mom and Dad