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Yard sale sign etiquette

Published July 27. 2013 09:03AM


First off let me say that I am a dedicated yard sale, garage sale, and flea market shopper. I shop each and every weekend and even make U turns to get back to signs I pass too quickly.

We encourage individuals to display their signs even though they probably are illegal. Our police and code officers ignore the signs completely even though most communities have ordinances that prohibit these signs from being displayed on PPL and other poles. I as a dedicated shopper have no problem with that.

My gripe is that the person or persons hanging the signs do not take them down when time of the sale ends. In fact I have recently seen some signs in the area that are 2 and even 3 weeks old.

Let me request that if you are hanging a sign with a date and time please remove that sign immediately at the complete time. It would be highly considerate of you to do so and the yard sale shoppers would appreciate it.

Also the community would look at whole lot cleaner without these ugly, faded, and no longer current signs taped to our poles.

Bob Silver


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