Eldred column
Ross Township
Eldred Township residents extend their most sincere sympathy and condolences to their neighbors, Ross Township and Chestnuthill Township for their losses and injuries suffered on Monday night. Stay Strong.
PVEN needs
Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network (PVEN) is asking St. Matthew's UCC's help for specific food needs of cereal and peanut butter. Of course they will accept any and all other donations.
PVEN has also asked for donations of pencils, notebook paper, pens, composition books and back packs for children in need to go back to school.
You can drop your donations off at St. Matthew's anytime during office hours, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. and Sundays from 8-11:30 a.m.
Confirmation class
St. Matthew's will start a new confirmation class the Sunday after Labor Day, Sept. 8. If you or your child or grandchild (middle or high school age) would like be confirmed, please contact the office at (610) 381-2442 or email stmatts@ptd.net.
St. Matthew's pies and cakes
St. Matthew's invites the community to enter its Pie Contest on Saturday, Aug. 17 before 5:30 p.m. There are three categories of apple, fruit or other pie.
The church need donations of cakes for its cake walk and prizes for its Chinese auction.
Exercising seniors
There is a low-impact exercise class for those over 55 at the Kunkletown Volunteer Fire Company every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30-10 a.m.