Politicians are thankful - and fortunate - that most Americans are willing to forgive.
When that behavior is deliberate and the deception becomes chronic, however, there is a shorter leash. Anthony Weiner is experiencing that after repeatedly disgracing himself and his family with his sick personal life.
Although not in Weiner's league when it comes to personal failings, President Obama is taking a hit in his poll numbers because of his failures as a leader. Especially harmful in the poor judgment and mishandling scandals like Benghazi and the IRS. After constantly being deceived and lied to by this administration, more Americans have reached the their limits.
It's been three months since Lois Lerner, the agent involved in reviewing tax exempt applications from conservative groups, admitted that the IRS had targeted conservative groups simply because of their political beliefs and they had conservative names like "tea party and "patriot" in their title.
Steven Miller, the head of the IRS who apologized in testimony to the Ways and Means Committee, calling it "horrible customer service, was fired and at least three other IRS officials had been replaced or were put on administrative leave. But Lerner, who oversaw the IRS division that targeted the groups, is still on paid administrative leave. In May, she invoked her Fifth Amendment to avoid self-incrimination after making an opening statement during a congressional hearing. Now, Lerner is seeking immunity.
Realizing the public was very passionate about the IRS scandal, President Obama initially called the reports "outrageous" and intolerable and said he would reserve harsher judgment for when a fuller report on the IRS's actions is formally released.
"I have got no patience with it, I will not tolerate it, and we will make sure that we find out exactly what happened on this," Obama told us, vowing full accountability.
That was three months ago. As with the other scandals, it seems the administration was hoping the press and public would tire of the issue and it would simply fade away. In fact, just two weeks ago both the president and press secretary Jay Carney went through a "phony scandal" phase in hoping to disarm any critics who had the audacity to question his scandal-ridden second term in office.
But the IRS scandal isn't going away as the administration hopes. In fact, the hole has gotten deeper. According to testimony released last Thursday by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, the IRA is still targeting conservative groups.
Asked by the Ways and Means investigator how it now handles such applications, an IRS agent said: "If a political advocacy case came in today, I would give it or talk about it to my manager, because right now we really don't have any direction, or we haven't had any for the last month and a half."
These new revelations flatly contradict past claims from the Obama administration that the IRS discrimination against Tea Party groups ended more than a year ago. Press secretary Carney emphatically claimed May 20 that "the misconduct had stopped in May of 2012.
What we now know for sure is that the IRS scandal is NOT phony, no matter how much the administration tries to deflect from the issue. The real phoniness was Obama's feigned outrage when he vowed three months ago to give us full accountability.
By Jim Zbick