Nesquehoning news
Panther Valley
Golden Agers
Thirty-three members attended the Aug. 26 meeting of the Panther Valley Golden Agers. To date 13 new members have joined this year.
A sing-along was led by Norma Lee Burke. President Irene Hudasky conducted the meeting and provided an update on a trip to Penn's Peak Sept. 19. A report was given on the upcoming Christmas party by Vice President Shirley Pavlick.
Birthdays were recognized for 12 members.
The hospitality committee for September and October will be Joanne Large and Dee Neifert.
The next meeting will be held Monday, Sept. 9 at St. John Slovak Lutheran Church Social Hall beginning at 1 p.m. Bingo will be played.
Summit Hill
St. Paul's news
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Summit Hill, has announced that Vicar David Lembo will preside over the worship services held at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday. Visitors are always welcome to attend.
The Sunday school program will begin Sunday, Sept. 8. Classes are held each Sunday from 9-10 a.m. All children, ages 4 and up are invited to attend regardless of religious affiliation.
First Congregational Church
Morning Worship will be held at First Congregational Church, Coaldale, at 9 a.m., Sunday, Sept. 8, followed by Sunday School for all ages 3 to adult, at 10 a.m.
The church board will meet at 7 p.m., Monday, Sept. 9.
Choir rehearsal will take place at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 11.