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America needs our prayers ... God needs them more

Published September 07. 2013 09:00AM

Dear Editor:

Bravo! For the beautifully, inspiring and truthful letter written by Barry A. Gangwer of Weatherly, Pa., published in THE TIMES NEWS, Letters to the Editor, Saturday, Aug. 24, entitled, "Pray for spiritual restoring of America." I was truly impressed to read such a moving and 'written from the heart' article. Mr. Gangwer can be proud of his accomplishment. I would strongly suggest this prolific writer mail a copy of his love for America to the Congressmen in Washington, D.C. Every politician in this country should read this rather lengthy piece, as it recognizes what one truly, dedicated American feels about his country.

If Mr. Gangwer isn't a writer, he should be using his talent more often with future articles. For anyone to compose such an extraordinary piece that drives to the heart of American problems; he has achieved a remarkable summary of the seriousness facing our nation.

So many people are asking the question: Where is God? Including this writer. Why is our Savior letting all these unfortunate catastrophes happening on our planet? Or doesn't our Heavenly Father concern Himself with our horrendous problems on earth?

Earthquakes, violent tornadoes, heavy flooding, destructive wildfires are playing havoc with Mother Nature for the past number of years. We never experienced these ultra-drastic weather changes in the 20th century. We had weather problems, but never as frequently or violently as in recent years.

The deadly tornadoes have destroyed thousands of homes, leaving people homeless! Where do you go when there's no home left and your entire live's possessions are wiped out? This has to be the most devastating loss, except for the loss of life, that any human being can endure. But evidently, these poor souls have the grit and fortitude to rebuild their damaged and shattered lives!

America has more homicides, killers on the loose than you can shake a stick at. Those young, beautiful children who were heartlessly murdered in Newtown, Connecticut, several months ago, along with six adult school employees, was a senseless act of today's psychopathic problems among many of the younger breed.

Drugs are the ruination of so many lives. How can anyone with a sound mind become hooked on deadly drugs? Personally, I hesitate taking Tylenol if a headache occurs. Let along have the stupidity of getting hooked on barbiturates that sooner or later would end my joyous life Why do these asinine fools become so easily addicted? Where's their willpower and just plain commonsense?

It's the same deal with alcohol, a drunkard is a total misfit to society and is sure to kill an innocent bystander once they get behind the steering wheel. For sure, a DUI is in the making.

Speaking of ex-President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, as Mr. Gangwer opened his article with a passage from FDR's 1942 New Year's speech, calling it a day of prayer. Long before the advent of TV, FDR gave many fireside chats on radio, which the public found stimulating. The first lady, Eleanor, was, no doubt, off on one of her whirlwind adventures, since she was invariably absent from the White House.

When FDR was afflicted with polio, he showed tremendous strength and resilience, moving America to outstanding leadership from a wheelchair. His stamina and unbeatable courage during World War II, to challenge Germany, Japan and Italy that the United States would NEVER give up the fight and our country would NEVER be defeated by those despicable (as they were known) the Axis.

FDR also formed the W.P.A. - Work Projects Administration (1935 to 1943) - putting the unemployed to work and relieving national unemployment. It was a godsend for our deflated economy and helped to dissolve the long soup lines for those poor souls not having jobs. The Great Depression was at its apex, as people were literally going hungry, since the Stock Market crashed in 1929! If it hadn't been for this caring president, we wouldn't be blessed with receiving our social security checks today.

It's unfortunate we don't have a carbon copy of FDR sitting in the Oval office at the present time. America could truly use a leader of his caliber, sterling and profound ability. He held office of the presidency from 1933 until his untimely death in 1945, holding office longer than any other president. He was a man for all seasons and much more. Hail to our Commander in Chief!!

There's an old saying: be careful what you wish for. If you're wise in heart and love the Lord, you'll wish He brings a new salvation to mankind before it's too late to save our civilization from extinction ... We cannot abandon God or His son, Jesus Christ. He is the most important personage in our lives. Respect Him, pray to Him; look upon Him as our King of Kings and your life will be forever blesses.

Maybe He's angry because we don't live up to His expectations of us. Perhaps if every human being on earth, especially, those evil barbaric terrorists would honor Him as our true Savior; the world could eventually, have less troubles, including wars and nuclear fall outs, while a serene peace might permanently hover above the universe. Only God can make this miracle happen if you keep Him in your hearts and prayers all the days of your lives. Amen.

Earle E. Stahler

West Penn Township

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