Answers to the Christmas quiz
Unlike the past few years, this winter has definitely started on a good note if you are a snow lover.Already two weeks into December and we have had at least three or four storms to contend with each of which has produced a mixture of snow, sleet, freezing rain and rain.I guess we could say it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas to shamelessly lift an old cliché.
While the Rankin-Bass classics we discussed last week are the ones most name first when they think of Christmas specials, there are other shows that bring back memories of this holiday time. How many of you watch "The Grinch That Stole Christmas" or a "Charlie Brown Christmas".
While I liked the RB specials quite a bit, these other shows are just as enjoyable and bring back many happy moments.
I always found the sleigh scene in the Grinch hilarious as his sleigh overfilled with Whoville's Christmas gifts and trappings are perched on a delicate point as he contemplates what to do next.
Or how many of you remember those classic scenes from Charlie Brown like Linus reciting the Nativity story on stage as he tells Charlie and the cast the true meaning of Christmas or the scene where Charlie gets the sad little tree that wilts when he hangs a ball on it. Yes, every show has its special moments that can bring a smile to our faces.
If you didn't read last week's column and still have the newspaper you might want to go back and give it a try as the answers are provided below or you can look it up online.
Last week's little holiday quiz was on the old Rankin-Bass Christmas specials that most of us have grown to love as children and continue to enjoy as parents and adults.Now it's time to see what you know or remember about these wonderful shows.
1.The actor who voiced S.D. Kluger was the famous Fred Astaire whose animated character bore a strong resemblance to himself. This world acclaimed dancer narrated the show as the mail carrier who explained Santa's origin and folklore.The bonus point is available if you know that S.D. stands for Special Delivery.
2. B. Sam the Snowman narrated "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" with a voice provided by beloved crooner Burl Ives.
3.a. Jessica she was a teacher in Sombertown, b.Tanta Kringle, c. To restore the Kringle family as "The First Toymakers of the King", d. Winter Warlock, e. Claus was the tag that was on his baby basket when Tanta found him and rescued him from the snow after his sled got away from the Burgermeister's men and careened through the forest.
4.The lovable Mickey Rooney had the honors of playing the voice of Santa Claus in several Rankin-Bass shows presumably because the real elf was unavailable due to his Christmas preparations.
5.The feuding Miser Brothers famous mother is none other than Mother Nature.
6.The two elves dispatched by Mrs. Claus to find proof that children still love Santa were Jingle and Jangle and for that bonus point, they rode little Vixen down to South Town.
7. a. I'm Mister One Hundred and One… b. turns to snow in my clutch, I'm too much.
8.The hit Christmas song covered by The King Elvis Presley that was featured in "The Year Without a Santa Claus" was "Blue Christmas".
9.Yukon explained his survival from falling into the ravine with the Bumble was simply "Bumbles bounce".
10. Hermey the Elf told the boss elf, Rudolph and anyone else who would listen that he wanted to be a dentist. Fortunately this aspiration helped later on when he removed all of Bumble's teeth to keep him from eating his friends. I wonder what that bill was like.
11.The Toys on the Isle of Misfit Toys all had defects some of which were more noticeable than others. How many of these did you know?
a. The bird swims instead of flies
b. The cowboy rides an ostrich instead of a horse.
c. The train has square wheels on its caboose.
d. The nesting clown dolls contain a wind up mouse
e. The water pistol can only shoot jelly.
12. The song that replaced "We're A Couple of Misfits" in some versions of the special was called "Fame and Fortune"
Including the bonus questions, a perfect score is 23.
How well did you do with this Christmas special quiz? 0-5 correct: Apprentice Elf, 6-10 correct: Junior Elf, 11-14 correct: Senior Elf, 15-18 correct: Head Elf, 19-21 correct: Santa's right hand elf, 22-23 correct:Driving Santa's sleigh on Christmas Eve for the big guy.
I hope you enjoyed our little trip through some Christmas television nostalgia.Hopefully you can catch one or more of these little classics before the big day.
Til next time…