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Not luck, but acting responsibly

Published December 09. 2013 08:39AM

To the Editor:

First, I would like to respond to Pattie Mihalik's column on Saturday's 30 November, 2013 edition of the TIMES NEWS titled "Last of the lucky generation?"

I do not believe so much that our parents' generation was so much "lucky" as RESPONSIBLE. They grew up during the Great Depression and war, and learned to work hard and appreciate and care for what they had.

Their children grew up in more prosperous times,and the advent of the credit card enabled living beyond their means. So when the present hard times hit, they lose everything, having to start over by moving back with their parents and appreciating what money they can get with whatever job they can get.

Hopefully now these young adults will learn to become responsible and live within their means.

Here is another "take" on the word RESPONSIBILITY.

Many of today's young parents don't much seem to care about watching their children. Yet, when their kids gravitate to other (innocent) adults who do pay attention to them, the parents instantly label them as pedophiles and attempt to ruin their lives. Then the parents press the politicians to make stricter and stricter laws against sex offenders (And I am not absolving sex offenders of responsibility for their own actions).

Nowhere do these parents assume or take responsibility for their lack of parenting their own children, but rather blame others for their own failures.

After all, they have an example to follow.

Maureen Kanka, mother of Megan and founder of Megan's Law, has NEVER taken responsibility for not being the watchful parent she should have been, which would have prevented the molestation and death of her daughter.

That example alone should be the rallying point for parents to BE responsible, and teach responsibility - and not fear - of and to their children.


Scotty Morrison


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