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Carpe diem (seize the day)

Published November 23. 2013 09:01AM

Dear Editor:

With another election process behind us, I hope those that were elected into office will put their political differences behind them and focus on those, us, who put them into office.

In my opinion, there is only one way to build a successful, dynamic, achieving community.

It is to: Create an environment that allows people to maximize their potential, give them the tools to do their job, and get the heck out of the way and let them (us) to achieve our goals.

Our forefathers had that in mind when Thomas Jefferson sat in the front room of his home at Seventh and Market Street in Philadelphia when he drafted the Declaration of Independence for this country in 1776.

I walked past this sacred building each day on my way to work and was inspired to give my best. At times I would sit in this room and try to envision the mission Mr. Jefferson had for this country.

However, over the past several hundred years, those we have placed in office lost sight of the mission Mr. Jefferson had for this country.

To those in any political office, wake up, sit down, and read the Declaration of Independence that starts, "We the people."

Not you in political office and then Carpe diem (seize the day).

K. Treger


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