What's all the fuss about an innocent, little buss?
I consider myself to be a very affectionate person.
I love giving big, fat, squishy hugs and smooches to those I love especially my kids and grandkids.
I remember my father, grandmother, nana and others always hugging and kissing me when I was a child, and I enjoyed showing my fondness for them by reciprocating.
One side of my family was of Italian descent and therefore it was almost offensive if you did not give or happily receive a kiss on the cheek when greeting or saying goodbye.
When I was a little girl in school it was a fun game to kiss the boys on the cheek and then run away.
If they chased you, you knew they liked you.
Sometimes the boys would do the kissing.
If you liked them, you ran away, if you didn't, you sprayed them (and yourself) with your invisible can of cootie spray.
I think we all can remember playing a game of "Spin the bottle" at least once when we were kids.
Ahhh, the innocence of it all.
Not anymore apparently.
Just the other day I read a story out of the pot-smoking state of Colorado where a 6-year-old little boy was suspended and faces a school-imposed charge of sexual harassment being placed on his school record.
I am really struggling with the absurdity of this mind set and how an educator can possibly think that labeling a small child with any sort of negative sexual connotation is the appropriate response.
He is 6 years old.
Granted, he was suspended once before for kissing the girl and does have some other disciplinary issues, but according to the boy's mother, the little girl he kissed had no problem with it.
I read some of the comments that readers posted on the Fox News webpage and found them to be rather interesting.
One individual stated that if he was told before not to do it, he should have known better and that the punishment was valid.
He is 6 years old.
How many times have we told our young children not to do something and yet, time and time again they still do it?
Come on.
Another poster identified as rtark said, "If politicians kiss babies, it's called campaigning, if a baby kisses a baby, it's called sexual harassment."
Very interesting.
There were also numerous posts that proposed the notion that had the little boy kissed another little boy on the cheek and was suspended that the ACLU, along with every LGBT activist group out there, would rally against the school and file lawsuits.
Others noted that had it been another little boy, he would most likely not have been suspended, but would instead be protected and cheered.
Quite possibly a true statement.
But come on, he is 6 years old.
He doesn't know what sexual harassment is.
He didn't hit her, kick her, bully her or sexual anything her.
He kissed her.
On the cheek.
In the end, I am fairly convinced that people have lost their minds.
We need to wake up and re-evaluate how we do things; especially where children are concerned, lest our brilliant decisions end up doing more harm than good.