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The unemployed man

Published December 23. 2013 05:00PM

He once had a job - went to work every day

but now unemployed, he's here to stay.

He lost his job through no fault of his own

his wife and kids - his car and his home.

Some people in China are happy today

for they got his job when the plant moved away.

Out on the street - the unemployed man

looking for work as best he can.

Small businesses hire mostly family and friend,

large companies have waiting lists with no end.

Sometimes he's too young or often too old

they want him to work in extreme heat or cold.

Must work any shift - night or day

plus overtime and every holiday.

Must lift eighty pounds or even more

pass a background check - have a good credit score.

Must have perfect health - no bad back

and in computer skills he must not lack.

Must be a team player, yet work well alone,

able to multi task and answer the phone.

He don't dare to ask for more than minimum wage

for workers are treated like rats in a cage.

Of course he must pass test after test

for they only hire the best of the best.

Then after all that and it's not very funny

but they won't hire him - they don't have the money.

He might be your neighbor, family or friend

the list goes on and on without end.

There are millions like him in the country today

and all they want is a full time job with some pay.

So after years of searching the best he can

is there still no job for the unemployed man?

Nancy Green


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