In honor of Epiphany
There's a new Baby coming
Have you heard the good news?
And we won't have to shop
For this Baby's new shoes.
Three Wise Men are traveling
With treasures of old
They're bringing Him
Frankincense, Myrrh and Gold
Will the Innkeeper charge him?
Will the Babe have to pay
For his night in the manger
And His crib in the hay?
God how can this King
Spend his first day on earth
In a setting so humble as
This place of His Birth.
Has you Son come to teach us
(While saving our souls)
That gaining earth's Riches
Should not be our goal?
We pray that you show us
What gifts we can bring.
Do we really have anything
"Fit for a King?"
If you think it might please Him
We'll bring Kindness and then
We'll make Peace on Earth
Through Good Will to All Men.
Jacque Patrick, Tamaqua