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State of the Union

Published February 11. 2013 05:05PM

As Obama supporters, including the mainstream media, gush over tomorrow night's State of the Union address, Americans choosing not to wear the liberal blinders see the last four years as the economic and foreign policy disasters that they really are.

One African American who hasn't bought into the ObamaCare boondoggle is Dr. Benjamin Carson, a neurosurgeon. Last Thursday, during an address at the National Prayer Breakfast, Carson set the president and his liberal friends straight on the health care disaster which threatens is driving this to economic ruin.

With the president seated just feet away, Dr. Carson spelled out why ObamaCare, with its blatant government intrusion, looms as an economic albatross around America's neck.

Unfortunately for Obama, the president's spin machine could not orchestrate this event.

This made it hard for the liberal media to filter the doctor's comments for the evening news.

Dr. Carson is an American success story. Raised by his single mother, he struggled academically in elementary school, but turned it around by high school.

After graduating with honors, he attended Yale University, where he earned a psychology degree.

Unlike Obama, the doctor's college records and campus life are an open book for all to see.

During an interview last week with Sean Hannity, Dr. Carson explained how political correctness can be a dangerous thing in our nation since it muzzles people, preventing them from saying what they mean.

This goes against freedom of speech and expression, a key pillar on which the nation was founded. He blames the liberal media for fomenting restrictions on what people say.

One recent example was sportscaster Brent Musberger, who was castigated by some after the college football national championship game for his comments on the beauty of the Alabama quarterback's girlfriend.

The remark caused a flare-up on political correctness, but soon people realized there was nothing wrong with it and the silliness subsided. The woman, by the way, was flattered and thankful for the compliment.

As for the health care disaster, it shouldn't be a great surprise that the recently-released "ObamaCare Survival Guide" has zoomed to the No. 2 spot on The New York Times' best-seller list.

One analyst remarked that the mounting number of pages of regulations being released due to ObamaCare is beginning to make the initial bill look like a pamphlet, and we've just gotten started.

Dr. Carson said what Americans desperately need is a simple system, not one burdened by more government bureaucracy. He suggests having a program where newborn babies are given a Health Savings Account.

Money could be contributed into this electronic medical record from the time you're born until the time you die. At that time, you can pass it on to your family members.

He said people would be happy to pass on their unused funds to loved ones after they die.

Instead of spending our money on propping up bloated government programs, why not explore Dr. Carson's idea of putting money into a Health Savings Account?

It sounds like a practical way for people to gain some control over their own health care.

Given this administration's focus to drown us in a sea of bureaucracy and federal regulations, the doctor's solution might be too simple for them to comprehend.

By Jim Zbick

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