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A changing America

Published January 12. 2013 09:04AM

Dear Editor:

To quote the late, great George Carlin, "When you're born in this world you're given a ticket to the freak show. And when you're born in America you're given a front-row seat."

There are two major issues at the forefront of the news in our country today. Gun control and the planned, yes I said PLANNED, economic collapse. While some of my sources have an orchestrated destruction of the dollar taking place this spring, let's take a look at how we got to this point.

First off, we allowed a foreign, belligerent corporation (also known as The United States of America) to set up its Babylonian money system in our country via the Federal Reserve in 1913 and then expected it to handle such sensitive things as our retirement and health care.

Well, being that this hostile entity likes to send our children off to die in foreign wars that serve it's interest and not ours, I would say this was not a very good investment. Especially when Uncle Sam looted the social security fund to pay for the Vietnam War started under false pretenses (research the Gulf of Tonkin).

Well, today we are still looking for men in caves who outsmarted the most sophisticated air defense system in human history and if we think one of these evil doers are seeking refuge in your country we'll send unmanned drones into civilian neighborhoods and bomb the hell out of ya. And if a terrorist is hiding in America … Well, ah, uh oh. But don't worry; there are already drone aircraft patrolling our skies looking for them.

Besides spending exuberant amounts of money dictating to the world through military action what freedom is all about yet in the same breadth bribing countries to bend to our will by sending vast multitudes of foreign aid to already corrupt and wealthy leaders did we really think this fictitious entity could handle the job of spending $700 billion to stimulate our economy? If part of the funding going toward a bridge for turtles and a study of drunken mice doesn't clue you in, further deprogramming from years of state induced propaganda may be necessary. And what nation of Justin Bieber fans wouldn't be persuaded (by a hip president wiping away a fake tear over a story that has more holes in it than a block of Swiss cheese) to turn over the last thing standing between themselves and a FEMA camp … their firearms.

With the information I've been receiving look for another "false flag" shooting in the near future to rile up the gun grabbers. And just in time for the perfectly timed civil unrest when your life savings won't even buy you a soggy sandwich at Turkey Hill. And the best part of it all is the majority of people will scoff at this dire warning as they seemed to be in more shock that seven NFL coaches were fired in the past couple of weeks than the fact that our nation and hence the entire world are on the brink of financial ruin.

Only in America.

Gene Duffy

Jim Thorpe

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