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Problem solved quickly

Published February 02. 2013 09:02AM

Dear Editor:

I live in Penn Forest Township and the Township Board of Supervisors have recently given me something to think about! When Messrs. Paul Montemuro and Alan Katz were first elected to the Supervisor's Office I was skeptical how they spent money on the transfer station. And said so publicly.

In retrospect perhaps I was not giving them a chance to perform, moreover, I should tell of a recent happening that surprised our small community of neighbors. My neighbors and I live on a road which presented a major traffic hazard to vehicle traffic and children when it rains heavily - it floods very deeply - to a depth of three feet. Previous township administrators refused to do anything about the situation. It has been an ongoing problem for at least 10 years or more. The probable reason previous administrations never did anything about the problem, they outsourced everything to one company concerning roads and public right away. The company charged premium prices to do anything in the township. Therefore, you could hardly get anything done due to the very high costs and the way the administrations handled township financial matters.

At a recent township meeting I presented to the board our community problem, showing maps and also giving a written statement to the facts. They immediately took action on the problem and in less than 24 hours they sent equipment and manpower to rectify the situation. I was dumbfounded by their prompt remedial action. The road is now fixed thanks to Messrs. Montemuro, Katz and Reiner along with the rest of the board. The township workers were courteous and polite getting the job done without any fuss.

Thanks to these supervisors the township now owns equipment that can solve problems like ours. The township now salts our roads during the winter snow storms, has improved the transfer station grounds and has made operating the station the model of proficiency. They have also repaved roads in the township and improved the quality of living in the community. Moreover, they have put the township financially back in the black. Our communities are much improved in major ways from before, therefore, they deserve to be acknowledged for their good work. Hence this letter.


Walter Schulz

PO Box 4054

Jim Thorpe

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