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Gun control backlash

Published February 02. 2013 09:02AM

Dear Editor:

King Obama and the Democrats should pay attention to what just took place with the Harrisburg Sports Show. Reed Exhibitions of Norwalk CT, the event's organizer of the Harrisburg Sports and Outdoor Show, one of the largest of its kind in the US, had decided recently to try to impose its antigun will on the people of the state of PA and ban all "modern" firearms from the show.

I guess "modern" is another word Obama, Biden and Feinstein could use to describe what they call assault weapons in their gun "safety" proposals, a sneaky way of not saying gun "control" proposals.

If you're a gun owner, look online to see what is now being labeled assault weapons. For example, anything with a semi-automatic, a removable magazine, which would include three-quarters of all pistols, would now technically be called an assault weapon. Most semi-automotive guns would also be included under this label.

Hunters, what do you think your semiauto duck and turkey gun is? Biden spoke before the election and said Barack Obama is not about to take away your shot guns. Yesterday Biden went on national TV and said that a double-barrel shotgun was better home protection than an assault rifle. Take notice he mentioned double-barrel, not just a shotgun. Again, that's pretty sneaky.

Your semi-automatic shotgun that you use to shoot, trap, or skeet, or hunt rabbits, pheasants, ducks, turkeys, etc. you will no longer own if they get their way. If you check the suggested ban list, you will find more than 100 specific guns listed that they intend to take away from law abiding citizens.

I don't own an assault rifle and maybe you don't either, but don't sit back and say this doesn't affect any of my guns. What's King Obama's next Executive Order going to be if he can't get this bill through Congress? Maybe the gun you're relying on to protect your family or the gun that's near and dear to you will be next.

As a result of the backlash from hundreds of exhibitors that canceled out of the Harrisburg Sports Show and hundreds of people, like me, who called Reed Exhibitions at 1-800-467-5656 to tell them we won't sit by while they tread on our 2nd Amendment rights, they were forced to cancel the nine day show. This cancellation will result in the loss of millions of dollars to Reed Exhibitions.

See what can happen when law-abiding gun owners unite and show the bureaucrats in Washington we are not in the minority. A liberal TV commentator recently stated that freedom of the press and freedom of speech was that important that the Founding Fathers made it the 1st Amendment. I totally agree and because of that I'm allowed to write this letter today. But would the same liberal commentator agree the right to bear arms was the 2nd Amendment for a reason as well. I doubt it.

Russ Frank,


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