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A brilliant lawyer

Published January 26. 2013 09:02AM

Dear Editor:

Thurgood Marshall was a distinguished justice of The United State Supreme Court from the previous century. He was the first African American to serve in that role. Marshall had no place for Christianity for two reasons … objection and REPLACEMENT. He was an atheist; after all, how could conventional wisdom reconcile Jim Crow of the Bible belt without throwing the baby out with the bath water?

Yet Marshall was very religious. This is the way it was. He switched out a heritage of a Christian Republic which was the basis of America for proactive causes of racial equality and social justice. Marshall glorified his own abilities in the religion of secular humanism. In this faith the glory went to the created not to the Creator who gave those abilities and which included him in the inherent rights of mankind and gave him a standard of law originating in the Ten Commandments. He used these tools of the justice system to defend victims of a closed white culture run by bigots.

Marshall's good aggressive behavior engaging issues of a segregated nation included some bad baggage. With the lawyer for the NAACP came his religious influence. A transition of working assumptions that were extensions of his secular thinking went into our government infrastructure as a matter of influence. It replaced the Creator with his own kind of belief system which had long term consequences. The nature of which is part of what what is closing in in upon us now in the United States. There is always a god of the system

Marshall's church-ianity looked something like what follows.(you decide if it's spoof) Social workers replaced deacons. Believers became the employees with benefits and a retirement program. Pastors were the elected representatives and the overbearing church ladies parallel badged unconstitutional enforcement officers with pistols.

Tithe? "Well it's your tax money"; they don't need charity donations.

As for catechism we get 12 years of indoctrination in public schools. Missionaries? There's no need to proselytize because its unlikely you'll get out of this cult if you were born here and besides we are all taxed anyway. Hell? Well there's a prison cell waiting somewhere. There are so many laws, policies and codes you are guilty of something written down somewhere in a federal or state agency or municipality code book. Miracles? Yes, a fair tomorrow. The deity Secularism perpetuated a myth that with its partner, the Arch Angel Socialism, both were somehow neutral and tolerant. Purity that is a cleansing of historic Christianity from institutions. Revelation? It's a dispensation of new ideas by a President's executive order. Faith is mandatory. Trust only sincere politicians! With our heritage eroded it's easy to rewrite a culture.

The replacement had no fear of God because It Was what It Was. Grace is a state of being acquired by moving up into elected position where laws are not enforced. Demons? Yesssiree Bob, they are those unwelcome people who have time, interest and money to go to meetings. They hold leaders accountable and read their job description in the constitution. Liturgy? Just cross your heart and take off your hat and say the Pledge of Allegiance to the inanimate flag. Reverent music? Sing the star Spangled Banner. Hope manifests by chance in bureaucracy and eternal security is figured in for those who have repeating government contracts. All this in which the aLMIGHTY sTATE became the savior. Marshall was a saint from a humble origin.

The substance of good separation was subverted in the integration of a new false religion of secularism. The farther we get away from our nation's inspired foundation the more dilemmas increase and the less solutions there will be available to fix problems.

After Marshall, it became increasingly easier to change systems. The United States adopted a corporate-communism model and now a dynamic known as regionalism rules increasingly as opposed to democracy. Also communitarianism rules against private rights of ownership. These forces avoid the rule of law in a republic. These were put in by "soft law" which is a process that installs ideas which bypasses the legislature and Senate. Soft law, regionalism and communitarianism together, produce a rip tide pulling us under and away from meaningfully exercising our civil rights as citizens. It's directed by a quiet group of wealthy, well connected, coordinated leaders with vested financial interests operating outside the scope of God given constitutional law trying to exercise control.

In the future policy on how you use your property will be directed by regional boards disconnected from influence of a representative government. Regulations and fees will increase based on values from groups who care nothing about your grievance, need, income, right to profit or the grand-fathered history of use or for that matter your civil rights. But it doesn't have to be so grim. The citizens of Carbon County can stop being ostrich birds with heads in the sand if we exercise our liberty three ways:

1. Nullify bad law locally.

2. Vote incumbents out.

3. Repent to the Eternal Triune God of history for forgetting the terms of a Christian Republic.

Robert Dages

Jim Thorpe

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