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Palmerton Community News

Published February 27. 2013 05:07PM

Newspaper drive

The men and boys of St. John's Lutheran Church will hold their monthly newspaper drive on Saturday, March 2. There will be one sweep of the Palmerton, Aquashicola, and Little Gap areas beginning at 8 a.m.

Papers should be bundled and placed within sight of the collectors. They are collecting papers only, no magazines. The shiny inserts are acceptable. They also need grocery-size brown paper bags.

Persons missed, or those wishing to dispose of papers throughout the month, may take them to the garage across from the church on Fireline Road, which is always open. In case of bad weather, the drive will be held the following Saturday.

Concourse Club

At 7 p.m., Thursday, March 7, the Palmerton Concourse Club will meet in the parish hall of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 502 Lafayette Ave., Palmerton. The program will be Irish Step Dancing, with McElligott School of Irish Dance.

Lenten services

Lenten services for Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran and Jerusalem UCC, Trachsville, St. Matthew's UCC, Kunkletown, Salem UCC, Gilbert, and Salem-St. Paul Lutheran, Kresgeville, will be held Feb. 27 at St. Matthew's UCC, Kunkletown. Services on March 6 will be held at Salem UCC, Gilbert, with guest preacher, the Rev. Suzanne Brooks-Cope.

Soup and sandwiches will be from 6:30-7:30 p.m. with worship at 7:30 p.m.

Community meal

A free community meal will be served at St. John's Episcopal Church, 365 Lafayette Ave., Palmerton, from 4-6 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 28. All are invited for a free meal and fellowship.

Holy Trinity Lutheran

Lenten services will be held on Wednesday, March 6, at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 502 Lafayette Ave., Palmerton. Soup and sandwiches are from 6-7 p.m., with worship at 7 p.m.

Nutrition Fair

A Nutrition Fair will be held at the Palmerton Hospital, 135 Lafayette Ave., Wednesday, March 6, from 10 a.m. to noon on the ground floor of the hospital. Dietitians will be available to answer questions, offer product testing and samples, nutrition literature and door prizes. The health fair is free, and no registration is necessary.

Miller-Keystone Blood Drive results

Miller-Keystone Blood Center conducted its bimonthly community blood drive on Feb. 19 at the First United Church of Christ. There were 65 registrants, and 53 units were collected. The following donors hit various gallon levels: Thomas Davies, 19 gallons; Kyle Ahner, 10 gallons; Timothy Beltz, 8 gallons; Robert Stevenson, 3 gallons; William Gallagher and Michael Shafer, 2 gallons; and Pam Andrews, 1 gallon. There were four first-time donors. This visit was sponsored by Janet Snyder and Louise Calvin.

Volunteers included CLIU students Korben Kane, Eugene Kochan, Ashley Mickelson, and Brad Sopko who assisted Miller personnel in setting up Fellowship Hall.

Adult volunteers were Pam Andrews. George Ashman, Mary Beth Beers, Harry Brown, Jane Cervenak, "Honey" Cyr, Diane Danielson, Thomasine Falcone, Jean Fritzinger, Shirley Greene, Jean Halmi, Anita Harry, Betty Hartman, Cindy Heimbach, Marian Hoffner, Bernice Kleintop, Nancy Kresge, Paula Lendvay, Cecelia McLaughlin, Shirley Neff, Helen Nonnemaker, Darlene Nothstein, Susan Olivia, Carol Papay, Evelyn Plechavy, Marge Porambo, Lucille Rex, Gwen Rodrigues, Terri Sebelin, Perma Snyder. Betty Steigerwalt, Mary Taschler, Annette Wargo, Tara Wargo, Brenda Wentz and Joan Wivell.

There will be a Miller blood drive Wednesday, Feb. 27, at Palmerton High School, for students and staff only. The next Miller community blood drive will be on Monday, April 22.

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