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A matter of faith

Published March 02. 2013 09:02AM

Dear Editor:

I would like to respond to Mr. Koperna's letter to the editor entitled "Religious faith will never die out." Mr. Koperna states that among other opinions that "this does not give us permission, however, to go on pretending that religion is other than man-made."

The demonstratable truth is that we cannot empirically (by scientific method) demonstrate that God exists or that God does not exist. Either belief is a matter of faith. Evolution is not a proven scientific law like gravity. Evolution is a theory. Creation is not a scientific law like gravity. Creation is a theory. Anything concerning theories is just preaching one's faith.

Albert Einstein believed in God.

Read is book God versus Science.. But I suppose Mr. Koperna would say that Albert Einstein is not a free thinker.

I am a born again Christian. If my believe (faith) in God, heaven, and hell proves to be wrong when I die, I have really lost nothing.

My present life is purpose driven and relatively joyful. When I die if my belief (faith) proves to be right, I am going to heaven. The Bible says heaven is a very nice place to live indefinitely.

If your belief (faith) proves to be correct when you die, then you also have lost nothing. However, if your belief (faith) proves to be wrong when you die, then you are going to hell. The Bible says that hell is really a not very nice place to live indefinitely.

Our lives are constructed of the choices we make or do not make and the words we use. We are all free to choose free thinkers. We can accept or reject Jesus Christ. It is a choice. However, there is another dimension beyond what we can hear, see, smell, touch, or taste. There are consequences in that dimension for choices we make or fail to make in this dimension. Astrophysics is presently attempting to scientifically demonstrate this unseen dimension.

Steve Boyd


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