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Why Sunday morning games?

Published March 23. 2013 09:02AM

Dear Editor:

As I write this I am on my way to teach my PREP class. For those of you who are not Catholic or who have not had kids in a few years, PREP is Sunday School.

I teach the sixth grade at Ss. Peter and Paul in Lehighton. I teach the first two books of the old testament and then do a study of the Book of John. I have to say the kids love it and learn a lot through the year. Each weekend I get excited about what the kids are going to read about that week. I anticipate questions and I love to watch the kid's eyes as they follow the story of the Book of John and they come to know a little about who Jesus is. But just as I get excited for most kids I also get sad for some others. You see each week a few kids till miss because of gymnastics or soccer or dance or wrestling or football or boy scouts or whatever.

Since my class is only once a week missing a week is a lot and if you ever question a youngster about Christian Faith you will soon find out that they need every second of instruction they can get.

My question is how did we ever let it get to the point that tournaments and leagues for elementary children are routinely scheduled on Sunday mornings. I think professional, collegiate and high school games all of which refrain from Sunday morning activities. How is it that elementary kids have Sunday games and matches on a regular basis. How is it that no clergy leaders or school boards or church boards rise up to encourage this diabolical practice to stop.

I give kudos to CYO (Christian Youth Organization) which does not allow any activities before 1 p.m. on Sunday. I have talked to many parents over the years who wish that the Sunday morning games would stop. But without leadership the games continue and the children learn less and less about the faith.

Pastors and leaders, lets ask organizations to refrain from Sunday morning games. In this world, where the odds are stacked against the Christian, lets give the parents a chance. Let's encourage our kids to go to church first and play the games and tournaments second the way our parents did for us. I welcome feedback at


John Meier,

sixth grade PREP

Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church,


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