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Shadow Super-Legislature

Published March 23. 2013 09:02AM

On July 29, 1991, Randall Samborn, a National Law Journal Staff Reporter, wrote an eye-opening article about the 100th annual meeting of the Uniform Law Commissioners. If you are not aware of this very influential group of approximately 300 prestigious attorneys, judges and professors of law, you are the rule, not the exception. The official name of this little known organization is the "National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws" (NCCUSL), which is usually shortened to the ULC. The current headquarters of the ULC is at 676 North St. Clair Street, Suite 1700, Chicago, IL 60611. The July 29th article was titled: "Shadow Super-Legislature - ULC to Meet - for 100th Time"

The concept of the NCCUSL, originated by the new era American Bar Association (formed in 1878 in Saratoga Springs, New York), was, and is, to increase the powers of the United States government, particularly the "federal courts", and to minimize the powers of the States and/or the people.

In his July 29,1991 article, Mr. Samborn stated:

… "Although state legislatures are principally responsible for drafting laws, members of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws are real masters of that craft. Acting as a sort of super-legislature, they have written such bulwarks of state statutory law as the Uniform Commercial Code, the Uniform Partnership Act and the Uniform Probate Code.

Since the first meeting of delegates from seven states in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., in 1892, the commissioners have promulgated more than 200 acts that mirror changes in law and society. A century ago, they developed laws governing wills, marrying ages and legal weight of a bushel, all of which varied from state to state." …

The NCCUSL creates and publishes both "Uniform Laws" and "Model Acts". The Uniform acts, codes, and court rules are based on "laws", etc., that exist in at least one State. Legislators are urged to adopt "uniform" acts exactly as written to promote uniformity in law among the several States. "Model" acts address new areas of interest of the Bar Associations intended to serve as guideline legislation which States can borrow from or adapt to suit their respective situations. The NCCUSL Board of Governors decides what is to be developed and published. Members of the State, County and Special Bar Associations are charged with the task to get the Uniformed Laws and Model Acts passed into law in their respective States once they are finalized by the NCCUSL.

To celebrate the centennial meeting of the NCCUSL, Walter P. Armstrong, Jr., a Tennessee Uniform Law Commissioner from1947 until his death in 1996, wrote the book titled:


This book was copyrighted by the NCCUSL and published by WEST PUBLISHING CO. However, an ISBN was not assigned to this book. Clearly, the book was written for attorneys, judges and law professors.

In the "PREFACE" on pages 3 and 4 of his 1991 book, Walter P. Armstrong, Jr., states the following:

"It is appropriate that the Centennial observance of the Conference coincides with the bicentennial of the Bill of Rights. The concluding article of the Bill of Rights, the Tenth Amendment, epitomizes the federal system the Constitution created. It reserves to the states "the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states. …" Because of this limitation, implicit in the original Constitution, nearly all private law - contracts, negotiable instruments, business organizations, marriage and divorce, for example - and most areas of criminal law, are left for definition and regulation by the legislatures and courts of the several states. For 200 years this autonomy of the States has been enshrined in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. For the nation's first 100 years, this system of legal diversity worked fairly well, although in one sense the Civil War grew out of the decidedly non-uniform state law concerning slavery. But after that war, as the nation came together again, moved westward, expanded its borders, began to industrialize, and acquired the means of transcontinental travel, the need for a common, predictable, nation-wide legal system became crucial. There were at least two methods for unifying the legal systems of the states. State law could be preempted by the Federal Government through repeal of the Tenth Amendment, or by expansive interpretation of the commerce clause and other expressed powers delegated to Congress. Alternatively, the states could create a forum and a vehicle by which they could voluntarily agree to develop, and then separately adopt, uniform legislation on important subjects of common concern. That was the path chosen in 1891 when the Conference was conceived. It is probably not coincidence that the origin of the Conference occurred during the Centennial celebration for the Bill of Rights and the Tenth Amendment." (Bold print added for emphasis)

Since 1892, the Commissioners have implemented all three alternatives stated above!

The ULC and others have intentionally, in essence, abolished the 10th Amendment and greatly expanded the interpretation of the commerce clause and other expressed powers delegated to Congress - all done unconstitutionally according to the original intent of the Constitution.

The chapter titled: "THE BEGINNING" of the 1991 book by Walter Armstrong (on page 11) states:

"The report of the first conference says with pardonable immodesty:

It is probably not too much to say that this is the most important juristic work undertaken in the United States since the adoption of the Federal Constitution."

The people in the Pennsylvania Convention and those of the other twelve original States that ratified the federal Constitution, which created the United States of America, were all Citizens from free and independent States. All of the other States, which have joined the Union of States since 1789, did so on equal footing with the original 13 States. The framers of the State Constitutions and the Constitution for the United States of America intended for the States to remain independent and superior to the federal government. Remember, the creator of something is always superior to the creation. The States were intended to be independent Nations brought together in a federation or Union for very specific enumerated limited purposes. As James Madison stated in Federalist #51:

"In the compound republic of America, the power surrendered by the people is first divided between two distinct governments, and then the portion allotted to each subdivided among distinct and separate departments. Hence a double security arises to the rights of the people. The different governments will control each other, at the same time that each will be controlled by itself."

Certain attorneys, judges and professors of law, particularly those appointed to the NCCUSL, have intentionally subverted the true original intent and meaning of the Constitution for the United States of America aggressively since at least 1892. The War between the States (also called the "Civil War") gave the nationalist and/or humanist the extreme crisis to start the alleged total conversion of the United States of America and the several States from constitutional republics to, at best, "democracies". However, all of these unconstitutional actions are null and void, as a matter of law, from the time they were done. "The Constitution strikes with nullity that which does violence to its provisions." We the People must learn the truth and have the courage to say NO to all unconstitutional actions by those in government. They must always strictly follow their "oath of office" according to the original intent of the Constitution(s) and our other founding documents.

The "Shadow Super-Legislature", created by the American Bar Association, has committed treason!

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