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49 years of love

Published March 30. 2013 09:02AM

Dear Editor:

As I sit here in my favorite chair relaxing before I retire for the evening I sit back and think about a special day 50 years ago, the day that I adopted my daughter. And the happy years that my daughter added to my life. With each recollection the memories implant a warm glow of love and affection that a parent has for their children.

For me, the most vivid day of days took place eight months after we had filed the necessary papers with Catholic Charities to become adoptive parents. We had left the choice of a boy or girl in the hands of God. And patiently waited for the day to arrive. In the last week of June, I had taken a day's vacation and joined the weary travelers in a trip to the beach, as it happened a few moments after we left the adoptive case worker tried to contact us about our adoption.

When we returned later that evening, sun burned, tired and hungry. We received a call from a frazzled case worker trying to reach us to inform us that we were the proud parents of a baby girl 11 days old. It was amazing to learn I was a dad while lying on the beach.

The following day as we approached the adoption agency, with all our tomorrows in the past, I was at long last becoming a parent and a father. As we entered the office, our case worker was anxiously awaiting. After a nervous brief exchange of greetings, we were ushered into a small office and with the awkwardness of a small child, the case worker tried to make us comfortable. Nervously I paced the floor listening to a background of muffled voices behind a closed door. Later we learned that this giggling and laughing was over an attempt to dress our daughter. We waited for what seemed like an eternity, but at long last the door opened and my little girl had arrived.

Laure-Lynn was by far the most perfect baby I had ever seen. She had a smile, a cry and a laugh comparable to none. Her rose bud lips, petite nose complemented her satin complexion. In an instant I had fallen completely in love with her. When I had held her in my arms the realization came over me that for the first time I was experiencing the thrill of parenthood. I knew the real tests were yet to come. With their joys, sorrows, and heartaches. But for that one moment in time, the world only existed for my small but precious family.

During the past 49 years, Laure went to school, married and had her own family. As a blended family she is raising six grandchildren and has all of the trials and test I had but six fold. We talk daily on the phone and our relationship is very loving. As I look back and treasure the memories in our lives. There will always be a special place in my heart for the day when I became her dad. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURE.


From the pen of Ken Treger, Lehighton

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