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Column was disrespectful

Published March 30. 2013 09:02AM

Dear Editor:

It is as a Christian that I write to you concerning one of your contributors.

It is not the first time that I have found the views expressed by Miss Castagnera offensive. I am sure that she would cite the First Amendment as her "free pass" to be a bigot, but I would disagree. To publish her opinion on Pope Francis ("Pooped out on the Pope") the weekend of Palm Sunday, which leads in to Holy Week-the most sacred time of year for Christians, is disrespectful, self-serving, and, quite frankly, immature.

In case you missed it, she refers to past popes as "old fogies", and says "he's aiding an institution that sets up the poor and undereducated to have scores of poor, undereducated babies" and "let's not kid ourselves and think Pope Francis is really one of us simply because he's slightly less haughty than his predecessors".

Miss Castagnera, if you are so unimpressed with the Catholic church, why do you spend so much time bashing it?

It is my hope that with age, she matures and realizes that there is someone bigger than she is in this universe. Maybe then, she will get over her grandiose opinion of herself and learn that the way to get respect is to give respect not through "shock" drivel. Hopefully she read and learned from Gail Maholick's article "Being nice has its advantages"

Finally, I am disappointed that the Times News would even publish this trash. Shame on you.

Chris Reiber

Summit Hill

Member, St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church

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