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It takes U to make it an event

Published April 13. 2013 09:03AM

Dear Editor:

U +Action = Auction. There's a saying that everything is bigger in Texas - well you had to be a part of the recent ACS Chinese Auction on March 24th to see that "BIG" also happens in Barnesville! There were over 700 items, the parking lot was full, Lakeside Ballroom was full, and there were baked goods galore. Folks continued to stream through the door. We scrambled to find additional tickets to meet the demand and everyone left with something, even if it was just a free gift or a fun day with a friend. .

The ACS Chinese Auction is absolutely nothing without YOU. We would only be a small committee with big dreams. When my daughter, Jess Kutza, and I begin planning in November, we only have ideas. We have nothing without the support of the community and all who donate their time, items, and energy in some way. This year YOU have all gone above and beyond with your outpour of support which boosts our Auction total to an all time high of $27,700, which should thrill you as much as it does us.

Each year the Auction continues to grow and we strive for improvement. I can only hope that you had a memorable experience and will invite your friends to participate in all of our events. Feel free to email me your comments, good or bad.

On behalf of myself, Jess, and the American Cancer Society Telethon Committee, I extend deepest gratitude to everyone who supported our Annual ACS Chinese Auction and the Telethon. Many thanks to all of you who supported our special big item white ticket sales that circulated prior to the auction. Let us not forget our bakers, handy folks, WMGH, Penn's Peak, Channel s 13 & 80. newspapers, Polka Joe, Cody Scott, T & E Welding, Seitz Brothers, Michaels, Big Lot, Asphalt Paving Systems, set up, ticket sellers, ticket separators, donation go-getters, and YOU, our friends, who never let us down.

Again, thank you for being a part of "People You Know Helping People You Know."


Mary Ann Dulaney

ACS Chinese Auction Co-Chair/Volunteer

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