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No excuse for not saying "thank you"

Published March 25. 2013 05:04PM

Dear Editor:

The Easter season is upon us and many of us will subconsciously compare it to Christmas.

The more enjoyable of these holidays is, without a doubt, Christmas. Why?

Despite the hustle and bustle of running around to get the "perfect" gift for a loved one or finding the longed for toy, there is the satisfaction that we tried our best and when the time comes for a well deserved rest, it makes us feel good inside. Once the painstaking wrapping paper has been torn asunder in record time and to see that "perfect" toy cast aside and the big, empty box has become the center of attention, do we realize that perhaps we have given in to Madison Avenue, the endless (and often mindless) commercials, the incessant wailing of a child.

Well there's always the great home cooked meals, homemade cookies, a bottle or two of wine! Perhaps we have let our guard down and showed we are vulnerable and that a hug from a child means more than that silly old toy. And maybe, just maybe, that feeling of goodness will remain inside for a month or two.

Then the humbug syndrome enters and to add insult to injury. Punxsutawney Phil has to come along and spoil the good mood with his inane forecast of six weeks of winter. Haven't you notice that it always six weeks until meteorological winter is over, now you can make groundhog stew?

Then comes Easter. The more solemn of the two "big" Holidays when we reflect on our mortality and our shortcomings. This need not be depressing. When we acknowledge this, the remedy is quite simple: just verbalize what we should.

How many times do we use the word "cop" until a misfortune befalls us, then it's "Officer" and "sir". Why can't we take that extra two seconds and just say "thank you Officer," especially when there has not been a misfortune. Or the volunteer firemen who not only risk bodily injury to save a house or a life but also sponsors the egg hunt that brightens a child's face; or the auxiliary who spent time away from their families cooking and dying the eggs? They deserve a "thank you, ladies." How about teachers? When was the last time you went up to your favorite teacher (come on now and admit it, we all had at least one teacher) and thanked them for their encouragement? Remember, no one is a success without having been taught.

Then there's the minister, postal carrier, the newspaper boy (or girl). I certainly hope you are reminiscing about all the people you take for granted. Let's not forget the husbands, the wives, the sons, the daughters; isn't it nice to have a "thank you" every now and then?

Perhaps if we respected a man until he gives us cause not to respect him, the world would be a more kinder and gentler place. Then maybe we wouldn't be so fast to condemn others; this just might prevent bullies from becoming bullies because mommy or daddy rarely said a kind word to one another and those three words "I love you" the so-called "tough guy" fears more than the three words at Christmas time: "Some assembly required"!

Now you have no excuse now for not saying "thank you." Maybe we should start a national "Thank You" holiday. Sounds good to me and bye the bye, thanks for reading this.

Joseph P. Kubert


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