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Not the 10 suggestions

Published April 20. 2013 09:02AM

Dear Editor:

In response to the article entitled "Pooped out on the pope" by Claire Castagnera, I would like to comment on one of her points. She states "If you are one of the poor and disadvantaged that he (the pope) claims to want to help so badly, you are more likely to find assistance at your local Planned Parenthood than in the arms of Pope Francis".

Claire, first I'd like to take your claim literally and by analogy. If someone goes to a bank for financial help, they usually don't go to the bank CEO or President but to a Loan Officer. Secondly, the poor, the needy and the disadvantaged in the Catholic Diocese of Allentown (under the Pope's jurisdiction, of course) include the five counties surrounding Allentown and are serviced by the St. Vincent DePaul Society and the Divine Mercy Society. Presently there are 27 conferences with about 500 members serving the poor and disadvantaged in the Allentown Diocese. This includes more than 8,400 volunteer hours of service to the needy, establishing food pantries, visiting shut-ins, supplying clothes and shoes, financial assistance for heat, food, utilities, etc. The list goes on. One can only envision how many other places throughout the world the needy are being aided by the St. Vincent DePaul Society, an international organization, when this much is happening in the Diocese of Allentown alone.

Admittedly Claire, neither the St. Vincent DePaul Society nor the church advocates abortions. But, do you really believe that the leader of over 1.2 billion Catholics should be doing this on one hand and upholding the Ten Commandments (not the ten suggestions) on the other (specifically the 5th - "thou shalt not kill")? Do you really believe that the Pope, a theologian and one who is surrounded by theologians, ought to be advocating abortions?

Finally, I wouldn't suggest printing your article in places like Corpus Christi, Texas, St. Augustine FL or Santa Anna California. Unless, of course, you're looking for more similar feedback.

An Admirer andFormer Employee of Tab Castagnera

John Huber

560 W. 10th Street

Jim Thorpe

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