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Logic is flawed

Published April 27. 2013 09:03AM

Dear Editor:

We would like to respond to Bill Boyer's letter "setting record straight". The logic Bill Boyer uses is flawed. It does not matter by what name a municipal road is called, if a road is opened by ordinance or resolution as a street or alley it is a thoroughfare for the public.

The alley Bill Boyer is reffering to was barricaded with pipe and shrubs he placed preventing public access.

The reason he had been taken to court was to have a judge evict him legally off the public road since he was claiming adverse possession. The courts ruled in Rush Township's favor. The road had been stoned to prevent future access problems so the public use was not hindered. As for there being only two supervisors making this decision go to the Rush Township web site and read the meeting minutes the entire board voted in favor.

As an auditor Bill Boyer holds only an elected position since the township has a CPA firm do the yearly audit. The three township auditors do not have a function in the township since the CPA sends the auditing reports to all state agencies.

Bill Boyer's self serving actions cost the residents of Rush Township over the $10,000 plus for lawyer fees, engineering and court filing costs etc.

There was valuable time of supervisors missing work and township office personnel spent collecting documentation for court along with time at court.

Bill Boyer forgets his neighbors' time testifying how access to their property was denied. Now these are the facts to set the record straight.

Shawn Gilbert, Rush Township supervisor

Robert Leibensperger, Rush Townshipsupervisor

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